eve autonomy





This eve autonomy corporate Web site Cookie Policy (this “Cookie Policy”) informs you of the methods taken by eve autonomy, Inc. (collectively, “we”, “our”, and “us”) to use cookies and other similar technologies in the websites operated by us (this “website” — eveautonomy.com– ).
Some websites may also set forth individual cookie policies in addition to or separately from this Cookie Policy. In such cases, if any discrepancies arise between this Cookie Policy and any of those cookie policies, the individual cookie policy will prevail.

1. What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file generally consisting of letters and numbers. While you are browsing a website, a cookie is created by an internet server and sent to a web browser. The browser places a cookie which stores information as a text file on your device and communicate with the server every time you visit the website. Cookies enable us to provide appropriate service to you by utilizing information in the text file.

We may also use similar technologies such as web beacons that are used to track traffic patterns (collectively, “cookies”).

We may combine cookies with the other information you separately provide to us for the purposes mentioned in this Cookie Policy.

More details about cookies are well explained in the following outside websites: Guidance on the use of cookies and similar technologies (https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-pecr/guidance-on-the-use-of-cookies-and-similar-technologies/)(*English only) or Your Online Choices (https://youronlinechoices.eu/)(*For EU).

2. First Party Cookies and Third Party Cookies

Generally, Cookies can be divided into two categories: “First Party Cookies” and “Third Party Cookies”. “First Party Cookies” are set by the website you are visiting mainly for the purpose to provide functions on that website. On the other hand, “Third Party Cookies” are set by third parties partnered with the website you are visiting mainly for the purpose of analysis by analytic tools and providing more relevant advertising to you.

3. Type of Cookies We Use

This website may use the following types of cookies.

4. Major advertising service used on this website

In order to use the advertising services provided by third parties such as Google LLC on this website, those third parties may acquire and use information on the user’s visit and activity history to this website by means of cookies, etc.
Information collected by the third party cookies will be processed under the privacy policy of the third party. Users may opt out from the use of their visit/behavioral history information for the delivery of advertisements by changing options at the setting of advertising service provided by the third party.

Major ad-serving provider

Google LLC

Privacy policy of ad-serving providers

Privacy Policy

How to Opt Out

Block certain ads

5. How to Manage Cookies?

Most web browsers accept cookies in their default settings. You may be able to change setting on your browser to warn you or to refuse before accepting certain cookies. However, if you disable the use of cookies on your web browser, some services and functionalities of our websites may not function properly, and you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you make your visit to our website. We use cookies to optimize your user experience on this website. For a complete website experience, please click on “Allow all cookies”. We do not use cookies without your consent except strictly necessary cookies.

You may change or withdraw your consent at any time from Cookie SETTINGS PAGE


6. Contact Information for Cookie Policy

You may contact us with questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy at:

eve autonomy, Inc.
868-1 Onakaze, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture 438-0214, Japan

7. When We Change Cookie Policy

We may change or revise this Cookie Policy at any time for the compliance, to adopt needs for our business purpose, and the like. When these changes are substantial or significant, we will inform you that effect on this page and, if necessary, inform you that effect by a method that enables you to become aware of those changes.